Blue chip stocks (SPY) closed the latest regular session at $114.97, up 0.4% from the prior close.
In total, 3.6 billion shares were traded on the three major U.S. stock exchanges, up 9% from the day before.
On the jump, mediawatch, rules, econ reports, portfolio and a good book...
Mediawatch: AP focused on the inventories report -- inventories down, stocks up. Reuters relied on sectors, inventories and hope -- banks, tech up because people hope a revival in business demand (lower inventories) will produce profits. Yessiree-bob. That's how capitalism works.
My rules allow trades in April covered calls, iron condors and butterfly, calendar, diagonal and vertical spreads. I allow myself to trade unhedged call and put option purchases that expire in May or later.
I'm reading this book, and it is so excellent.
Econ reports:
- International trade and weekly jobless claims at 8:30 a.m. Eastern. The trade tells how we're doing against the rest of the world. The claims tells the human cost when capitalists screw up -- newly laid off workers seeking unemployment compensation.
- Natural gas inventories at 10:30 a.m. Not a big market mover, generally.
March expiry:
- AKS, iron condor, p19/-p20/-p25/p26
- GCI, covered call, s/-c15
- T, bull put spread, c25/-c26
- WFC, iron condor, p26/-p27/-c29/c30
Zombie shares: MCO, PALM.
Good trading!
New to private trading? Here's a look at How to Become a Private Trader.
Topics: S&P 500, SPDR, Spiders, AK Steel Holdings, Alpine Dynamic Dividend closed-end fund, Gannett newspapers media, Moodys bond rating, Annaly Capital Management, Palm smartphone Pixi Pri, AT&T telecommunications, Wells Fargo bank financial.
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