Blue chip stocks (SPY) closed the latest regular session at $115.49, up 0.03% from the prior close.
In total, 2.8 billion shares were traded on the three major U.S. stock exchanges, down 9.7% from the day before.
On the jump, mediawatch, rules, econ reports, portfolio and a good book...
Mediawatch: Reuters blamed the Chinese for the American stock markets pullback today. AP blamed the Fed. My money's on AP's explanation, since in the bazaar, Ben Bernanke trumps China any of the week. Econ reports:
My portfolio consists of . . .
March expiry:
Shares for dividends: AOD, NLY.
Zombie shares: MCO, PALM.
My main task this week will be to unravel the remaining March positions. Also, I need to look at adding April positions. But the market strikes me as being in major whipsaw mode at this point, so I'm temporizing.
Good trading!
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Topics: S&P 500, SPDR, Spiders, AK Steel Holdings, Alpine Dynamic Dividend closed-end fund, Moodys bond rating, Annaly Capital Management, Palm smartphone Pixi Pri, Wells Fargo bank financial.
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