Blue chip stocks (SPY) closed the latest regular session at $117.41, up 0.7% from the prior close.
SPY closed within today's DeMark pivot points but traded above for awhile by 2¢. The next DeMark pivots are $116.90/$118.03.
In total, 3.3 billion shares were traded on the three major U.S. stock exchanges, unchanged from the day before.
On the jump, mediawatch, rules, econ reports, portfolio and a good book...
Mediawatch: The narrative soup was a trifle thin, with a broth of higher-than-expected home sales as sustenance for the day's market action, with Reuters tossing in industrial stocks for seasoning. Since there was no market action to speak of -- the indicators were in Sleeping Beauty mode, awaiting the kiss of a handsome hedge fund manager to awake them back to this world -- I suppose any explanation will do. AP's version, and Reuters'. Econ report:
| What would it be like to open your accounts and never have any ugly surprises. Financial strategist Pamela Yellen tells how to get your money on the good news track. |
My rules allow trades in April covered calls, iron condors and butterfly, calendar, diagonal and vertical spreads. I allow myself to trade unhedged call and put option purchases that expire in May or later.
My portfolio consists of . . .
April expiry:
Zombie shares: PALM.
Good trading!
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