Wednesday, May 26, 2010

5/26 Forex: Euro

Person's Proprietary Signal (pps) is showing bear phase on three euro pairs. The pps has been ghosting against the euro of late, so the signals may or may not persist until the end of the U.S. market day.

The pairs are EUR/USD, EUR/GBP and EUR/CHF. The dollar and pound pairs produced ghost signals on Tuesday.

EUR/USD is trading well below the lower monthly Person's Pivot (trading at $1.2271, pivot at $1.2789). The bear phase comes after a three-day bullish whipsaw on the pps.

EUR/GBP, at £0.8517, with a pivot at £0.8434, following a four-day bull whipsaw.

EUR/CHF, at SF1.4189, pivot at SF1.3990, after a five-day bull whipsaw.

Can these signals be taken seriously, given the whippiness of market? Maybe not so much. Possibly a decent very short-term play, with a hair-trigger exit.

All about the euro: How it got here, where it's going.

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