Wednesday, November 10, 2010

11/10 Watchlist

  • Growth plays:
    • ENDP unconfirmed bull phase on Person's Proprietary Signal (pps) proves to be a ghost and it remains in bear phase.
    • LVS to bear phase on pps, parabolic sar (psar).
    • MO to bear phase on pps, psar, macd; Heikin-Ashia trend turns down; price drops to 20-day moving average.
  • Income plays:
    • AOD to bear phase on the pps.
    • NLY price tops 50-day moving average.
  • Diversification plays:
    • VWO to bear phase on the pps.

Growth plays
ppspsarmacd obvh-a trend ma20ma50ma200

Bear plays

Income plays
ppspsarmacd obvh-a trend ma20ma50ma200

Diversification plays
ppspsarmacd obvh-a trend ma20ma50ma200

ppspsarmacd obvh-a trend ma20ma50ma200

Tim Bovee, Private Trader tracks the trades of a private trader for his own accounts. Nothing in this blog constitutes a recommendation to buy or sell stocks, options or any other financial instrument. The only purpose of this blog is to provide education and entertainment.

No trader is ever 100 percent successful in his or her trades. Trading in the stock and option markets is risky and uncertain. Each trader must make trading decision decisions for his or her own account, and take responsibility for the consequences.

The stocks and exchange-traded funds on my Watchlists are instruments that I’m watching. Listing on a Watchlist does not imply that I own the issue.

  • h-a trend - Heikin-Ashi trend.
  • obv - On-Balance Volume.
  • pps - Person's Proprietary Signal.
  • psar - Parabolic Stop and Reverse
  • ma20 - 20-day moving average
  • ma50 - 50-day moving average
  • ma200 - 200-day moving average
  • macd - Moving Average Convergence-Divergence

About the glance: The colors indicate the state of each signal.
  • Signal Section:
    • pps, psar, macd: green for bull mode, red for bear.
  • Confirmation Section:
    • obv: green for uptrending, red for downtrending.
    • h-a trend: green for uptrending, red for downtrending.
  • Environment Section:
    • ma20, ma50, ma200: green for above the average, red for below the average.

About the categories:
  • Growth plays: I think these are more likely to rise than fall.
  • Bear plays: I think these are more likely to fall than rise.
  • Income plays: These produce income and I have no opinion as to the direction of the price.
  • Diversification plays: These don’t closely track the U.S. markets or are based on currencies other than the U.S. dollar.
  • Zombies: These are failed leftovers from what seemed to be good ideas at the time. They stalk the Watchlist like zombies, tying up resources and frightening small children.

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