Thursday, March 5, 2015

Trading rules nomenclature

The naming conventions of my trading rules have become increasingly problematic as my mix of strategies has grown in complexity.

What was a single sort of trade -- price channel breakouts for positions lasting a few weeks or months -- morphed into shorter-term trades for those lasting less than a year and longer-term for those intended to qualify for the lower tax rate afforded to long-term capital gains in the United States.

The addition of my trades coinciding with earnings announcements added even more puzzlement. I called them volatility rules, but the positions are shorter-term, lasting generally under 10 days, and so could be confused with the older short-term rules.

The new naming convention will use the trading strategy or goal, as follows:
  • "Rules for Shorter-term Trades" becomes "Rules for Trading Price Channel Breakouts", shorted to "Channel Rules".
  • "Rules for Longer-term Trades" becomes "Rules for Trading Shares for Long-term Gains and Dividends", shortened to "Shares Rules"
  • "Rules for Volatility Stock & ETF Trades" becomes "Rules for Volatility Trades", shortened to "Volatility Rules".
-- Tim Bovee, Portland, Oregon, March 5, 2015


My price channel trading rules can be read here. My long-term share trading rules can be read here.  My volatility trading rules can be read here. The channel rules are based on
 the classic Turtle Trading rules, which can be read here.


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Tim Bovee, Private Trader tracks the analysis and trades of a private trader for his own accounts. Nothing in this blog constitutes a recommendation to buy or sell stocks, options or any other financial instrument. The only purpose of this blog is to provide education and entertainment.
No trader is ever 100 percent successful in his or her trades. Trading in the stock and option markets is risky and uncertain. Each trader must make trading decisions for his or her own account, and take responsibility for the consequences.

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All content on Tim Bovee, Private Trader by Timothy K. Bovee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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