Friday, September 24, 2010

9/27 Almanac

On Monday, Sept. 27: Treasury bill announcement of no conceivable interest.

There are 19 days before the October options expire, 54 the November and 82 the December.

On the jump, market stats, econ reports, and the trading calendar . . .


Blue chip stocks (SPY) closed the latest regular session up 2.1% from the prior close. During the day SPY traversed 1.1% in a net move up of 0.9%.

The day's extremes: Open $113.75, high $114.89, low $113.65, close $114.89.

SPY closed above the DeMark pivots. The next DeMark pivots are $114.24-$115.48.

In total, 3 billion shares were traded on the three major U.S. stock exchanges, 6% more than the prior trading day.

Econ reports:

The Treasury Dept. releases auction results for 4-week T-bills at 11 a.m. Eastern. Nobody cares. Nobody.

The 4-week bill is paying 0.13% interest at this rate. It would take 588 years to double your money at that rate. But --- it's risk-free!!

The big reports come late in the week: GDP, personal income and spending, manufacturing.

Trading Calendar:

By my rules, at this point in the cycle I can trade shares. Seriously. It's an awkward time in the calendar.

What I'm looking for:
  • LO: A move back above 1% from the 20-day moving average, 2) a decisive bull phase from the fast stochastic, or 3) a whipsaw back to bull phase on Person's Proprietary Signal. Analysis.

Enjoy the weekend!

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