Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday's Outcomes: KAR, BDE, COG, INTC, KO, WYNN

KAR sent a close signal, and I have exited my bull position. See my entry analysis, "KAR: Bullish on car auctions", for my reasoning, a chart and results.

I analyzed BDE as a potential trade but, while not rejecting it, put off opening a position. See "BDE: Bullish on mountains" for the analysis.

This is my day to close off options positions expiring in January. Friday is the final day they can be traded. I've closed three bear positions, COG, INTC and KO.

INTC had a loss. COG and KO were profitable. I closed them to guard against a sudden reversal in the next four days that would lead to exercise, dumping tons of short shares into my account. No results, of course, until I decide whether to roll these positions forward or remove them from the Roll List. I calculate and post profits only when no more rolls are possible.

I'm allowing a January bull position, WYNN, to expire for maximum profit.

The analyses:


My shorter-term trading rules can be read here. And the classic Turtle Trading rules on which my rules are based can be read here.

Tim Bovee, Private Trader tracks the analysis and trades of a private trader for his own accounts. Nothing in this blog constitutes a recommendation to buy or sell stocks, options or any other financial instrument. The only purpose of this blog is to provide education and entertainment.
No trader is ever 100 percent successful in his or her trades. Trading in the stock and option markets is risky and uncertain. Each trader must make trading decision decisions for his or her own account, and take responsibility for the consequences.

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